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Uploading images in bulk

We’re thrilled to announce, you can now upload a .zip file of images associated with your order right on the Hemlock website! 

It’s as simple as:

  1. Navigate to your account
  2. Select “Orders”
  3. Click “View” for the order you’d like to submit images for.
  4. Scroll below your Shipping & Billing addresses, and you’ll see an upload tool.
  5. Name your .zip “order number_first name_last name.zip” and upload it with the button.

And that’s it!

We hope that this makes things simpler for those of you who need to submit your images after your order has already been placed, or who make orders large enough that you can’t submit images in the builder without it taking a ton of your time.

Want to Distribute Photo Blocks?

It's important to us that our blocks are distributed by professional photographers, directly to their clients. 

That's why we have an application process before you order - it keeps our blocks exclusive, and ensures they're adding that special something your clients just... can't get on their own.